Today I went to see the Panto Sleeping Beauty at my local 'theatre', although there were LOTS of cheesy moments and it was obviously based for children, I had a thoroughly enjoyable time!
There were a few minor league British celebs in it, as well as some unknown faces for both the lead roles, and they all performed fabulously.
The Panto contained a number of reworked modern songs, such as Journey's Don't Stop Believing, Lady Gaga's Bad Romance and a Paolo Nutini number amongst the rest which helped to make it for us older members of the audience.
On top of this there were also some pretty good CGI effects such which helped to bring the thorn forest and Dragon to life.
Considering I got in free because one of my friends works at the theatre I had a great night, and it was befitting the Christmassy/New Year spirit. I have also realised that I am waisted at uni and should be in the theatre, but others might debate otherwise.